Ear, nose, and throat clinic
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ear washing _ nasal sinus drainage _ taking a sample under local anesthetic _ nasal cauterization _ anterior nose filling _ foreign body extraction in the ear _ ear abscess cleaning _ hearing measurement _ ear pressure measurement.

Dermatology Clinic
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ear washing _ nasal sinus drainage _ taking a sample under local anesthetic _ nasal cauterization _ anterior nose filling _ foreign body extraction in the ear _ ear abscess cleaning _ hearing measurement _ ear pressure measurement.

Surgery clinic
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cauterization (acacia, hair) _ opening an abscess with local anesthetic _ nail removal under local anesthesia _ stitching of segment wounds (cosmetic suturing) _ removal of a sebaceous cyst or small tumor under local anesthetic and fish eye _ replacement of wounds

Ophthalmology clinic
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eyeglasses examination - fundus examination - intraocular pressure measurement - removal of foreign objects in the eye - ironing of hair - removal of a sebaceous cyst - laser session in the eye - nail - preparation for cataract operations - lens measurement.

Dental clinic
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